The MSSE scale, developed in 1999 and described by us, was
tested using the Cronbach’s a model, which demonstrated its
A K AGREEMENT COEFFICINT of 0.791 between 2 observers was found.
Both observers found significant association between the 3 MSSE levels
and age (P = 0.02), hemoglobin (P = 0.02), albumin (P < .001), cholesterol
(P =0.04), and use of analgesics or anti-psychotics (P = 0.04).
CONVERGENT VALIDITY of the MSSE scale was proven by Pearson
correlation with Symptom Management in End-of-Life in
Dementia scale (r =0.574, P < 0.0001) and Comfort Assessment
in Dying with Dementia scale (r =0.796, P < 0.0001).
A high MSSE scale score with a range of 7 to 10 indicates a
high level of suffering and reflects the severity of the medical
condition in end-stage dementia.
According to the MSSE scale, it has been confirmed that
patients with end-stage dementia represent a heterogeneous
group and have different levels of suffering and accordingly
proved a significant CONCURRENT VALIDITY.
The results of our research showed that care in the geriatric department fails to
decrease the high level of suffering in patients with end-stage
dementia. The total score of MSSE scale on the day of admission
was 5.62 + 2.31 and increased to 6.89 + 1.95 on the last
day of life with a SIGNIFICANT TEST-RETEST RELIABILITY (P < 0.0001).
The group differences among the survival times of the 3
MSSE scale scores was evaluated by Kaplan-Meier analysis
(log rank, P =0.0018, Breslow, P = 0.0027) and were significant.
The results of the Cox proportional Hazard model of survival
showed a high correlation between high MSSE scale score and
high risk of mortality and short survival of patients with end stage
dementia during the last 6 months of life with SIGNIFICANT PREDICTING VALIDITY (P = 0.013).