Pedagogy & Theaching

Teaching and Pedagogy in USSR (1970 – 1974)

1. 1970 – 1972. Physiology. Cathedra of physiology and biophysics.
Samarkand Medical Institute, USSR.

2. 1973. Physiotherapy Medical. Samarkand Nursing School, USSR.

3. 1974. Radiology. Cathedra of Roentgenology and Radiology. Stavropol Medical Institute, USSR.

Teaching and Pedagogy in Israel (1991 – 2013)

1. 1991. Internal Medicine. Course of 14 hours for Physicians Olim Chadashim. Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer.

2. 1992. Geriatrics Medicine. Students of School of Sociology. Bar Ilan University.

3. 1992. Geriatrics Medicine. Students of Medical School of Tel Aviv University.

4. 1993. Geriatrics Medicine. Students of School of Sociology of Tel Aviv University.

5. 1994 – 1998. Internal Medicine and Pharmacology. Course of 40 hours. Academic Nursing School, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, Tel Aviv University.

6. 1994. Geriatrics Medicine. For family members of Alzheimer’s Disease patients.

7. 1994. Geriatrics Medicine. Students of School of Sociology of Tel Aviv University.

8. 1995. Geriatrics Medicine. Third’s Year Students of Medical School of Tel Aviv University.

9. 1995 – 1996. Geriatrics Medicine. Course of 12 hours Hapoalim College. Givataim.

10. 1996. Geriatrics Medicine. Course of 20 hours for nursing stuff of Pardes Katz Hospital.

11. 1996. Geriatrics Medicine. Course of 20 hours, Nursing School of Abarbanel Hospital. Tel Aviv University.

12. 1996. Geriatrics Medicine. Course of 16 hours. Academicals Nursing School of Edith Wolfson Hospital, Tel Aviv University.

13. 1996. Geriatrics Medicine. Course of 6 hours for Olim Chadashim nurses.
Academicals Nursing School of Edith Wolfson Hospital, Tel Aviv University.

14. 1997. Geriatrics Medicine. Lectures for family members of Alzheimer’s disease patients, Israeli Alzheimer sociality.

15. 1997. Geriatrics Medicine. Course of 12 hours. Academicals Nursing School of Edith Wolfson Hospital, Tel Aviv University.

16. 1998. Geriatrics Medicine. Course for nursing stuff of nursing home Nave Efal, Ramat Gan.

17. 2009 – 2012. Suffering and Pain. Diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Course of Geriatrics. Academicals Nursing School of Edith Wolfson Hospital, Tel Aviv University.

18. 2013. Tools for suffering assessment in end-of-life. The Minerva Center for the Interdisciplinary Study of End-of-Life, Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv, Israel.