On Mechanisms of Human Behaviour: The Mind Blindness Phenomenon in Philosophy, Religion, Science and Medicine.


Philosophy study, 5 (3), 167-177, 2015.

The phenomenon described here has no scientific title, but occurs frequently in daily living, from science to philosophy, religion, and medicine. In every field of human endeavor, when a view is expressed, sharp and profound differences of opinion ensue. Initially, we coin this phenomenon as “understanding blindness” or “mind’s
awareness.” Thereafter, we decide to refer to it as “mind blindness,” a concept introduced to science by Professor Simon Baron-Cohen, who coins it for a cognitive disorder associated with autism, Asperger’s syndrome, and schizophrenia. Baron-Cohen’s usage has subsequently been extended to dementia, bi-polar disorders, antisocial personality disorders, and even normal aging. In our view, definition and identification of “mind blindness” in  philosophy, religion, science, medicine, and at end-of-life care can help mankind to better understand mechanisms of human behavior, and the causes of conflicts, controversies, contradictions, and sharp differences of opinion in human life, and even to solve some of them.
Keywords: “mind blindness,” human behavior, philosophy, science, religion, medicine, conflicts and controversies