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Professor Bechor Zvi Aminoff MD., PhD. Medical and Philosophy Research
Aminoff Suffering Syndrome
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Mini Suffering State Examination (MSSE)
Validity and Reliability of MSSE
English version of MSSE
Hebrew version of MSSE
Dutch version of MSSE
Spanish version of MSSE
Italian version of MSSE
German Vertion of MSSE
Aminoff Suffering Syndrome
Overprotection Phenomenon
Overprotection Assessment Scale
Geriatrics D Refusal Phenomenon
Entropy Definition of Happiness & Suffering
Legends of Desirable Anti-Entropy Deficiency Phenomenon
Solutions and Approach to End-of-Life Suffering
Sciencific Research Proposals
Minerva Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of the End of Life
Manuscript Publications
Journal Articles
World & Regional Conference Presentation Articles
Publications & Presentations in USSR
Dr. B.Z. Aminoff (Dr. Boris Michaylovich Aminov) Dissertation Autoreferat-Russia: Stavropol,1974
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Wealth and Health in our tiny country
Aminoff B.Z. Measurement of Suffering in End-Stage Alzheimer’s Disease. Probook, Dyonon, Tel- Aviv, 2007.
Review: US National Institutes of Health – Alzheimer’s Disease Library
Bechor Zvi Aminoff, 2007. Measurement of suffe Alzheimer’s disease. J. van Hoof Gerontechnolring in end-stageogy 2009; 8(1):57-58 doi:
Aminoff B.Z. Taking and giving. Fluctuation of anti entropy (in Hebrew). Gevanim, Traclin, Tel-Aviv, 2011.
Aminoff B.Z. Biographical Stories (in Hebrew) Ofir-Bikurim, Tel-Aviv, 2013.
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On Mechanisms of Human Behaviour: The Mind Blindness Phenomenon in Philosophy, Religion, Science and Medicine.
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Mini Suffering State Examination (MSSE) scale
Posted on
May 13, 2014